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PDQ Paper is part of the Till Rolls Direct Group. Operating from three sites in the south east we have a huge stock of the largest selection of Paper Roll products in the UK. PDQ Paper Rolls, Till Rolls, Thermal Rolls or Chip and Pin Rolls, whatever your requirements we are certain that we can supply the perfect Paper Roll product for your needs.

qualitytillrollsAll our PDQ Paper Rolls are made from quality materials to british industry standards to ensure constant durability and reliability.

We are suppliers of PDQ Paper Rolls to many major high street retailers and have stringent procedures in place to maintain constant quality control.

Whether you require a single box of PDQ Paper Rolls or multiple pallets, you can be assured of the best quality products at all times.

Our huge stock and constant price checking mean that we can GUARANTEE to supply the lowest priced PDQ Paper Rolls in the UK.

Visit our online store and start saving on PDQ Paper Rolls now, or contact one of our team who will be happy to help with your enquiry.

CALL FREE 0800 032 1046